Nibbles the bunny by Gio Kathleen

 Nibbles the bunny woke up to his alarm clock ringing at 8 AM sharp. He opened one eye, then the other, scratched his nose, yawned, and finally stretched. He'd much rather have stayed snuggled in his warm bed, but school was calling!

So, he slowly hopped to the bathroom. After washing his face, brushing his teeth, and wrestling with his messy bangs, it was time to get dressed. He put on his shirt and shorts, but his long ear got stuck in his sweater sleeve! It took a few tries, but he finally managed it. A quick brush of his fur and a few silly faces in the mirror later, he was ready for breakfast.

Mom served him yummy tea, scrambled eggs, and crispy sausage. Nibbles ate until his tummy was full. Then, grabbing his little linen backpack, he skipped happily off to school.


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