Dumb Luck

Микки отчаянно ищет талисман, приносящий удачу, после того как на него наложили проклятие, из-за которого на протяжении семи лет не везло.

Personality /ˌpɜː.sənˈæl.ə.ti/ and good looks?

Mickey Mouse, you are one lucky /ˈlʌk.i/guy. /ɡaɪ/

GOOFY: Tag /tæɡ/, you're it!


Hey, careful /ˈkeə.fəl/, fellas /ˈfel.əs/



Ooh, Mick, cursed /ˈkɜː.st/ with seven years bad luck. I would /wʊd/ not wanna be you, right now.

Oh, Goofy, that's a bunch of superstitious /ˌsuː.pəˈstɪʃ.əs/ hooe ˈhuː.i/

Come on, help me find...

I told ya' buddy /ˈbʌd.i/, you're cursed. /ˈkɜː.st/

Oh, baloney! /bəˈləʊ.ni/ I'm not cursed. /ˈkɜː.st/


Oh, yeah, he's cursed /ˈkɜː.st/ all right.

MICKEY: Not cursed! /ˈkɜː.st/ /ˈkɜː.sɪd/

One, please. I think we should see other people.

You were right. I am cursed.

What do I do?

All right, simmer down, Mick. I know it looks bad.

But Dr. Goofy's got the cure. /kjʊər/

But the curse! /kɜːs/

Seven years!

No bad luck curse stands a chance against /əˈɡenst/ /əˈɡeɪnst/ a good luck charm. I never leave /liːv/ home without my lucky rabbit's foot.

Give me that thing!

Huh, oh! Sorry, Mick.

You gotta get your own /əʊn/



Unhand /ʌnˈhænd/ me lucky /ˈlʌk.i/ charms. /tʃɑːm/


See a penny, pick it up and all the day you'll have good luck!



Mickey, let's get back together. /təˈɡeð.ər/

You got it, toots /tuːt/

Oh, hey, Mick.

Did you find a good luck charm?

Yep. A lucky penny.

Great! Now, you just have to find one every day for the next seven years.

Aw, nuts./nʌts/
